Week of December 7th

This week, we worked on our mechanum drivetrain. We managed to install motors onto 3 of the wheels during our Tuesday meeting, and one of our members was able to come in on Wednesday to install the final motor and get started with mounting an Expansion Hub.

One issue we're having is with our motors - 3 of them are fine, but the gear from the motor isn't meshing with the gear on the wheel for some reason, but other than that, we're making good progress!

A picture of our current drivetrain with 4 mechanum wheels and motors

On Thursday, work began on rebuilding our bot in CAD so we can prototype and simulate new mechanisms.

Next week, we need to work on intake and shooter. They are both close to completion, and we may have figured out an issue with a 3d-printed part (thanks FTC Discord!) so hopefully we have something working soon!